
I saw a person behaving strangely in the street

As I was crossing the street today, I saw a man on the other side waving his arms around. Then he got down into what looked like a racer's crouch.

These were my thoughts, in chronological order:
Wow, he's acting strangely!
Is he mentally ill?
Is he dangerous?
Should I avoid crossing the street toward him?
Is that a runner's crouch?
Looks pretty funny with a cigarette in his hand.
I think I'll ask him if he's racing for the light when I pass him.
If that was someone I knew, I would think he was clowning, not crazy.
He looks kind of distracted, I guess I won't ask him about the crouch after all.

I don't know which thought I'm supposed to take away from the experience, "humor humanizes everything," or "what looks distressing in a stranger is just intriguing in someone you know."

What did you see today?

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