
I saw someone smile.

I was trying to cross the street today and an off-duty policeman (wearing his uniform, not driving a police car) was trying to make what would have been a perfectly legal left turn if I hadn't been in the crosswalk. He had to stop pretty quickly and it was a slightly worrisome moment for me. He smiled, then I smiled, and I finished crossing the street. And he finished his turn.

Another run-in with the police! There was potential for a lot of anger in this situation, and anyone who knows me knows I have anger to spare when it comes to yielding the right of way to pedestrians. And taking proper responsibility for your pets. But I digress.

The policeman also might have been angry at me for impeding his progress. But he smiled and I smiled. A split second of "OK, we had conflicting goals for a minute there, but it doesn't have to ruin anyone's day." And it didn't. In fact, it pretty much made mine, because apparently forgiving makes me happier than being angry. Who'd a thunk it?

What did you see today?

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